Exploring Unbound... Going Deeper Podcast

Exploring Unbound...Going Deeper #9- Unbound- Dealing with Mental Illness

October 24, 2019 Terry Cook/Fr. Boniface Hicks

In this episode, Father Boniface discusses Unbound Prayer and its usefulness, even to those who have been diagnosed with a form of mental illness. We also discuss some of our experiences as prayer leaders with persons who were struggling in this area, and some of the outcomes. And of course, this is done in a way to preserve complete confidentiality.

(FYI...One of the stories here was in light of a "mandated reporter" incident, otherwise we would have never known of the unusual outcome. Because of our promise to complete confidentiality, we never speak to others about these persons after praying for them.)

PS. This may be the final episode to be uploaded through buzzsprout. We have decided to move to another podcast host, anchor.tv. The podcast will continue to be found on itunes (Apple Podcasts), Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Therefore, if you listen through the buzzsprout website page, http://ExploringUnbound.buzzsprout.com you can still listen by downloading from one of those or on https://anchor.fm/exploring-unbound-going-deeper-podcast

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